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Free Members 31 January 2025
Britain’s Cultural Break-Down

This week, we are digging deeper into the cultural issues facing Britain and the wider West right now.

In his two-part investigation, Connor Tomlinson poses the key, seemingly blasphemous question: “Is Islam to blame for the grooming gang scandal?” and Julie Bindel examines how feminism came to mean the opposite in “Heterodox Feminism vs. ‘Feminist’ Orthodoxy”.

Over in the arts section, we cover the AI artwork in the World Economic Forum in Davos, which oddly resembled a Net Zero PR campaign, in Bella Époque’s “Beauty and the Buzzwords”. Helena Stone writes about the National Theatre’s Coriolanus, reflecting on the importance of artistic integrity, as yet another canonical work of art was publicly sacrificed at the alter of unorginal leftist-utopian propaganda.

Finally, Ayaan’s spoke to Michael Shermer, the prolific publisher, science writer and historian, in her latest podcast. In “The ‘Woke-ification’ of Science,” her and Michael delve into the importance of scepticism and transparency when it comes to institutionally acknowledged ‘truths’ which contradict common sense.

Is Islam To Blame for the Grooming Gangs? Part One

To ignore the connection between the rape gangs and Islam is “ideological denial”, according to Hargey [Dr Taj Hargey, imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation and head of the Oxford Institute for British Islam] … In an interview this month, Hargey explained how Muslim men are taught that “Muslim rapists would go to heaven before a Christian person … It is worth noting that, after October 7th and the Southport massacre, both Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak’s governments pledged additional emergency funding to Britain’s mosques. The UK government is indiscriminately funding the indoctrination centres which produce these rape gangs.

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Back off the Bard

The play itself was slickly executed, although some members of the cast belong to the Shakespearean School of Shouting – quite a feat, given they are miked up – and consequently the language felt static and over-enunciated.

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Heterodox Feminism vs. ‘Feminist’ Orthodoxy

How then, do we tackle the subject of heterodox feminism, when the word feminism has come to mean its original opposite? Where surrogacy is celebrated, prostitution considered a freely chosen job like any other, and sex has been trumped by gender?

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Beauty and the Buzzwords: The Art of Davos

Ironically, the website description reads more as a product of AI than the AI-generated images themselves. Buzzwords – “urgency”, “climate crisis”, and “collective responsibility” – could be discovered in places as diverse as the back of cereal packets to Tate-governing policies. These hackneyed phrases commit injustice to the history of art, which itself provides insight into the complex forces that govern how humans perceive and act towards the environment.

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The Insight Series
Islamism ruined Britain, don't let it ruin America
Is Islam To Blame for the Grooming Gangs? Part Two
The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast
The 'Woke-ification' of Science

No scientist ten years ago would have ever gone along with this”

“People don’t trust these science magazines anymore, they don’t trust medical institutions”

“Everything we’ve seen on college campuses has infiltrated all the sciences now”

In this episode, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Michael Shermer delve into the importance of skepticism and transparency. They discuss Michael’s own work in this field, both as prolific science writer and publisher of Skeptic Magazine. From woke-ism in science, to freedom of the press, to ‘blank slate’ theory, they cover all the bases to give a sharp analysis of contemporary Western culture.

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What Reform can learn from Trump
The Insight Series
What Radicalized Axel Rudakubana?

“Probably it is true enough that the great majority are rarely capable of thinking independently, that on most questions they accept views which they find ready-made, and that they will be equally content if born or coaxed into one set of beliefs or another.”

—Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944)