The New Year began in America with news that a Ford F-150 Lightning pick-up truck had been driven into crowds on Bourbon Street, in New Orleans’ French Quarter, killing 15 and injuring 35 more. The suspect then exited the vehicle and opened fire, wounding two police officers, before being shot dead. The assailant has been identified as 42-year-old Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a US army veteran born in Texas. While this had all the hallmarks of an Islamist attack, the FBI were quick to have a barely-literate confirm “it is not a terrorist event”. This was then recanted, when it was revealed that Jabbar was flying an ISIS flag from the trailer hitch of the truck, and that two improvised explosive devices were found near the scene. Now, the FBI suspects Jabbar did not work alone.
It is possible that Jabbar is linked to the explosion of a Tesla cyber-truck outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, five hours after the attack in New Orleans. The driver was killed and seven people were injured when gas and fuel canisters, and over a dozen firework mortars, ignited in the truck bed. Given Elon Musk’s friendship with incumbent President Trump, the explosion had the makings of a political statement. More suspicions were aroused when it was found that both of the New Orleans and Las Vegas attack trucks were rented through peer-to-peer app Turo. The authorities have yet to establish any further link between the attacks.
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However, the FBI’s eagerness to rule out any link to Islamic terror, only to be proven wrong hours later, demonstrates a ruinous culture of political correctness within the institutions tasked with keeping Americans safe. Any appeasement of Islamism, under the rubric of anti-racist ideology, simply gives quarter to the terrorists who would do us harm. This same fear of being called racist and Islamophobic led to authorities ignoring the Manchester Arena bombing perpetrator in 2017. It also caused politicians to be willfully blind to the Muslim grooming gangs, abusing girls in fifty towns and cities across England and Wales. As discourse on X, concurrent to the New Orleans attack, made Americans aware: that cover-up still continues today.
Any appeasement of Islamism, under the rubric of anti-racist ideology, simply gives quarter to the terrorists who would do us harm.
For the past few days, Musk’s attention has been drawn to amplifying awareness of the grooming gang scandal. The conversation began when former editor of The Spectator, Fraser Nelson, dedicated his final Telegraph column to saying, “Britain’s integration miracle is a beacon of hope amid instability”. Such staggering ignorance to the costs and crimes of multiculturalism makes one wonder if Nelson has ever left his house. Nelson complains about rates of welfare state dependency in Britain, but says nothing about how 95% of annual post-Brexit immigration is a net-tax drain. This record influx of foreign dependents is something Nelson previously dismissed as “an accident, not a conspiracy”. We now know, thanks to admissions by Boris Johnson, that this was a deliberate policy to soak up inflation caused by the COVID pandemic. So what else is Nelson wrong about?
Despite a rape reported every hour in London, and stabbings rising by 20% last year, Nelson wrote, “Our streets are now safer than they have perhaps ever been.” Nelson also omits that reports for crimes like theft have decreased, because most go unsolved. Police forces in England and Wales have failed to solve 90% of all crimes, including not one single burglary across half of all neighborhoods. Of the more than 1000 break-ins every day in Britain, less than 4% of instances result in a charge. Nelson would know this, given he spent a decade editing Douglas Murray’s column on this very topic.
Nelson also saw fit to reduce the history, heritage, and identity of the peoples of Britain to “our concept of Britishness, which is not about ethnicity or religion but a way of life with global appeal. It’s a set of values that anyone can adopt.” This absurd rendition of national identity leads one to propose that the entire world need only revere the rule of law and cricket to be Britons-in-waiting, whereas the likes of King John and Lord Bolingbroke are no longer British because they fail to abide by Nelson’s contemporary liberal credal version of “British values”. Wanting to avoid any accusation of racism leads one to the absurd place of denying that Britain has any distinct ethnicities native to its isles. Someone born abroad, who has never set foot in Britain, is not “more British” than an Englishman who can retrace his heritage to the Battle of Hastings — even if said foreign national is a better neighbour than that Anglo-Saxon. This statement of fact is not a moral judgement on any nationality.
Much like the FBI in New Orleans, Nelson intends to obfuscate the problems of mass immigration and multiculturalism, for fear that “The far Right is on the march”. (As always, the response is treated as worse than the problem.) He finished with, “in this, my last column, I’d like to sign off by saying that the problems are vastly outweighed by what’s going right.” This prompted the Adam Smith Institute’s Sam Bidwell to criticize Nelson in The Critic, comparing him to Hiroo Onoda: the last Japanese soldier, stationed in the jungles of the Philippines, to surrender 29 years after the Second World War had already ended. Nelson is fighting a losing cause, trying to paper over the deleterious effects of imported “diversity” with a sanitized depiction of modern Britain. Nelson retorted, saying that:
“My argument is that Britain, overall, has handled demographic change well – not that there are zero problems. We have huge problems: but outnumbered by even bigger successes.
Managing this change *is* a British value. It *is* our national norm.”
Given the British government has seen fit to construct a surveillance state, which regularly subjects British citizens to propaganda campaigns to convince them of the benefits of multiculturalism in the aftermath of terror attacks, one might suggest that the management required to make diversity work is neither “our national norm”, nor worth it.
Bidwell began to list the undesirable consequences of imported tribal subcultures:
“Against what yardstick has Britain handled demographic change well? We are a country with ethno-religious voting blocs, sectarian family courts, and de facto segregation in many of our towns and cities. Our Parliament now plays host to MPs who live to serve the whims of particular ethnic minority communities. Just a few years ago, we saw open sectarian rioting on the streets of Leicester, between Hindus and Muslims. …
None of these things can be counterbalanced by a few feel-good anecdotes. At a systematic level, integration in Britain has failed. Shy of full-blown ethnic conflict, what would failure look like?”
As the debate continued, the predominantly Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs, which targeted white English and Sikh girls for their race and religion, were mentioned. This scandal continues to cast a dark and indicting shadow over the police and local authorities in over 50 British towns and cities. At least five girls were killed by the gangs, including Laura Wilson, 17, stabbed and thrown into a canal; Lucy Lowe, 16, burned to death by her rapist, along with her unborn child, Lowe’s sister, and her mother; Victoria Agoglia, 15, who was hooked on drugs by her abusers, and overdosed on heroin; Becky Watson, 13, killed by Ahmed Nawaz; and Charlene Downes, whose body was never found after allegedly being minced and sold as kebab meat — with her suspected killers walking free, due to malpractice by Lancashire Police.
X account Max Tempers then posted a passage from the Oxford grooming gang trial transcript to the discussion, detailing the gang-rape and torture to which Pakistani pedophiles subjected children. This resurfaced transcript, thanks to Musk’s purchase of X, has alerted Americans to these horrific crimes for the first time. The perpetrator, Mohammed Karrar, was convicted of drugging and raping a 12-year-old girl — before trafficking and impregnating her, and forcing her to undergo an illegal abortion.
Please note: some readers may find the below details distressing.
“You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet. Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13. When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion (Count 28).
Mohammed Karrar, on one occasion when GH was 12, after raping her, she threatened you with your lock knife. Your reaction was to pick up a baseball bat with a silver metal handle, strike her on the head with it, and then insert the baseball bat inside her vagina. You treated her as if she was your commodity. You branded her (with your initial near her anal passage) using a hot hair pin. If GH did not comply with your wishes, if you were not with other people, you would lose your temper with her. As part of the grooming, you would provide her with crack cocaine and you injected GH with heroin on numerous occasions (Count 40).”
Karrar was given a life sentence, but may only serve 18 years in prison. Others have already been released: encountering their victims in supermarkets, nightclubs, and by delivering food to their doorsteps. Not only are victims not notified when their abusers are freed: they are censored when lawfully requesting the perpetrators be deported to their nations of origin. Not a single grooming gang perpetrator has been deported. The prospect that these predators can ever be rehabilitated is delusional. The remorseless rapists in Rotherham have chanted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led out of court; and their families have started fights with victims at the sentencing hearings. Neither they, nor the community who conspired to cover up the abuse they knew was going on, cared about these girls, who they saw as “the white enemy”. (Hence why Reform MP Rupert Lowe has supported deporting “the whole community” in cities like Rotherham, for their part in hiding the abuse.)
Karrar was given a life sentence, but may only serve 18 years in prison. Others have already been released: encountering their victims in supermarkets, nightclubs, and by delivering food to their doorsteps.
Labour MP Sarah Champion estimated as many as a million girls had been abused by these gangs by 2015. (After writing in the Sun in 2017 that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”, Jeremy Corbyn forced her to resign from the Labour front bench.) Champion is one of few public figures who spoke up about the scandal. As GB News reporter Charlie Peters detailed in his documentary, and new viral X thread, in Rotherham alone there were 265 allegations of misconduct, with 91 investigations involving 47 officers. Only five were penalized, with none fired. Last month, two more former Rotherham police officers were arrested over child sexual offences committed while on duty between 1995 and 1999. But nobody in social services, the local council, the police, or the government have been arrested and charged with their complicity in covering up the grooming gangs. This is the even greater scandal: that nobody in a position of authority who sought to preserve their own careers and reputations over the girls’ safety has faced consequences.
Then came the revelation that Home Office safeguarding minister, Jess Phillips, rejected a government inquiry into grooming gangs in Oldham in October. She shifted responsibility to Oldham Council instead, writing “it is for Oldham Council alone to decide to commission an inquiry into child sexual exploitation locally, rather than for the Government to intervene”. As of the local elections of May 2024, Labour lost control of Oldham Council to “independent” candidates, elected on an exclusively pro-Gaza platform. A local authority with sympathies toward radical Islam has been tasked with administering justice to the victims of Muslim rape gangs. (It is noteworthy that Phillips spent more time calling for former Prime Minister Liz Truss to be deselected as an MP for conducting an interview with me in May, than she did seeking justice for children victimized by Pakistani rape gangs.) After Truss drew attention to the story, Musk called for Phillips to be arrested for her negligence. While under Phillips’ supervision, the Home Office produced a report calling the grooming gangs a “grievance narrative” invented by “right-wing extremists”. Phillips has also refused to produce data on the ethnicity and nationality of perpetrators of violent crimes (which data from Denmark shows is disproportionately committed by foreign nationals, particularly from Muslim countries.)

The dam appears to have broken on this most shameful chapter in Britain’s history: where children were sacrificed by politicians to “avoid inflaming racial tension”. A truth-and-reconciliation-style commission must follow, with social workers, police officers, local councilors, and politicians investigated, arrested, and charged accordingly, for their part to play in the cover-up. As Shadow Justice Minister Robert Jenrick and the Reform party have proposed, grooming gang perpetrators should receive mandatory whole-life sentences, and immediate deportations where possible. Cousin marriage, Sharia courts, and other clannish practices must be criminalized, to break the conspiracy of silence in the Pakistani community about this industrial scale child abuse.
The dam appears to have broken on this most shameful chapter in Britain’s history: where children were sacrificed by politicians to “avoid inflaming racial tension”. A truth-and-reconciliation-style commission must follow, with social workers, police officers, local councilors, and politicians investigated, arrested, and charged accordingly, for their part to play in the cover-up.
But a more disturbing truth lies at the heart of this scandal. Just like Shamsud-Din Jabbar, many of the perpetrators of Britain’s grooming gangs are not first-generation immigrants. Jabbar was born and raised in America, and spent a decade working as a human resource specialist in the military. Likewise, as polling by the Henry Jackson Society shows, 32% of British Muslims favor the implementation of Sharia Law, 52% want to criminalize depictions of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, and only one in four British Muslims believe Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on October 7th. These views were most concentrated among British-born Muslims aged 18-34. Not only has the integration that Fraser Nelson praised failed: it shows how second-and-third-generation Muslims are often more radical than their parents, meaning the problem will only get worse with current demographic trends.
If America does not come to terms with the fact that some peoples practice cultures which prevent them from assimilating, and that lead them to see the children of the native host population as an enemy to be exploited and abused, then it will end up with grooming gangs of its own. 9/11 should have been enough of a lesson, but it appears intelligence agencies are addicted to a DEI ideology which has already granted purchase to Islamists in Britain. The US cannot tolerate any more imported Islamism. The Trump administration must conduct a program of mass deportations of any foreign national found to have committed a crime — setting an example for Britain to follow.
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