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Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a renowned author, human rights activist, and founder of the AHA Foundation, dedicated to defending the rights of women and girls. Born in Somalia, she fled to the Netherlands, where she became a member of parliament…
View articlesConnor Tomlinson
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Amy Wax
An American legal scholar and neurologist, Amy Wax has contributed to Restoration and been a guest on Ayaan’s podcast.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a renowned author, human rights activist, and founder of the AHA Foundation, dedicated to defending the rights of women and girls. Born in Somalia, she fled to the Netherlands, where she became a member of parliament and an outspoken critic of political Islam. Ayaan’s work addresses issues of freedom of speech, the challenges of multiculturalism, and the importance of defending Western values. Her books, including Infidel and Prey, highlight her journey and her commitment to challenging ideologies that threaten individual liberty.
Bella Époque
Bella Époque is our leading contributor to Courage.Media’s art section, where she explores how current affairs seep into the creative realm, forming thought-provoking outlets for differing ideologies.
Charles Hunter
Charles Hunter hails from Charleston, South Carolina and writes about political philosophy and the American founding. He hopes one day to return to Dartmouth, his beloved alma mater.
Connor Tomlinson
Connor Tomlinson is a presenter for LotusEaters.com, and hosts his weekly show, Tomlinson Talks. He is also the co-host of Deprogrammed at The New Culture Forum, and a contributor for The Critic, Courage.Media, and The European Conservative.
David Samuels
David Samuels is a journalist and contributor to Courage.Media who currently lives in upstate New York.
Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray is a distinguished conservative journalist who has written best-selling books such as The Strange Death of Europe and War on the West. He has also written for Restoration and featured on Ayaan’s podcast.
Ethan Green
Ethan Green is a writer and previously spent two years as President and Chairman of the University of Exeter Debating Society.
Harrison Pitt
Harrison Pitt is an English writer. He works as a contributing editor at The European Conservative magazine and a fellow at the New Culture Forum, where he co-hosts a weekly current affairs show called Deprogrammed.
Helena Stone
Based in London, Helena Stone has a PhD from Cambridge and works as a UK political correspondent for Courage.Media.
Josh Ferme
Josh Ferme is a presenter at LotusEaters.com and formerly hosted his own show, Contemplations, for three years. He has a background in psychological research.
Julie Bindel
Julie Bindel an English writer who writes on feminism and campaigns against sexual violence.
Luke Daniel
Luke Daniel is a contributor to Courage.Media, and also a co-host of the Ayaan Hirsi Ali podcast.
Mark Pickles
Mark Pickles is a scientific technical writer, artist, and a contributor to Courage.Media.
Rafael L. Bardají
Served as National Security Advisor to the Spanish Prime Minister José Maria Aznar (1996-2004), director of the Net Assessment Office at the Spanish Ministry of Defense (2012), and CEO of World Wide Strategy, a consulting firm since 2013.
Rosie Kay
Rosie Kay is a British choreographer and co-founder of Freedom in the Arts (FITA).
Sophia Barnes
Sophia Barnes is a freelance journalist. She writes on politics in relation to culture, propaganda, faith and ideological capture.
Teddy Husdon
Teddy Hudson is a contributor to Courage.Media’s opinion section. He writes on American affairs, law, and politics.